Open Arms

The Other Raft of the Medusa, 2019

Spot for Open Arms, a non-governmental, non-profit organization whose main mission is to protect those who attempt to reach Europe by sea, fleeing from war, persecution, or poverty, by maintaining a presence at sea.

Photography Guillem Trius

Théodore Géricault painted in 1818 a real event that occurred in the waters of Mauritania.147 crew members were left adrift, and no one came to their rescue. Only 15 people survived. At that time, almost no one could know what was happening at sea. But today we do know. And yet, despite this, the rulers prefer to look the other way. Today we know that there are 121 people waiting for a port, and we also know that there are many more out in the middle of the sea, waiting to be rescued. The history of Mauritania does not have to repeat itself. History can change. We only ask to be allowed to do so.

Music by

Carles Pinwood

Concept by

SMLXL & Dalmau Oliveras

Voice Over by

Natalia Gasulla